Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp is set to launch a new feature aimed at helping users verify the authenticity of images received in chats. This tool will enable users to search any image, whether sent by friends or forwarded, directly on the web to determine its validity and identify misleading or fake content.
Users will be able to upload images to Google, allowing them to find similar images or related sources online for quick verification, helping to reduce the risk of falling for deceptive visuals.
This initiative is part of Meta’s broader strategy to combat misinformation and fake news, especially as the rise of AI tools has made it easier to create and spread false information.
WhatsApp emphasizes that user privacy will be a priority, as the images will remain private and secure, with no storage or processing done by the platform itself.
Currently, the feature is available exclusively to beta users on the Android update, which can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. Additionally, WhatsApp is working on a feature to verify links in frequently forwarded messages, further enhancing its commitment to combating misinformation.
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